A clear graphic identity gives credibility
How we communicate with our surroundings affects our identity. Our graphical profile and logotype are important tools that give us a uniform profile, which is a prerequisite for us to stand strong in the keen competition for research funding, skilled colleagues and students, and to climb on national and international ranking lists. All co-workers contribute to the apprehension of Lund University. It is our common responsibility to follow the rules in the graphic manual no matter if we produce printed or digital material.
Communication information with the graphic manual at Lund University's main Staff Pages.
Presentation material
Do you need to present the department when you are at a conference or visit another university? To your help, you have the slideshows below. They contain a short introduction to Lund University and basic facts about our department. Add or remove slides as you like. The slideshows will be updated once a year, at the beginning of each year after the budget and Lund University's figures are ready.
- Presentation biologiska institutionen 2024 (download; pptx; 6,6 MB; Swedish)
- Presentation Department of Biology 2024 (download; 8,9 MB; English)
Internal communication
Our internal communication at the department is mostly through:
Email lists
Our HR administrators manage our central email lists.
Anslagstavlan is an email list that will reach all of the department and some of the staff at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) and the Faculty of Science. It is free for all belonging to the list to post to it. The postings cover everything from seminars and job offerings to old car tyres and kittens.
Biologilistan is also a list that will reach everybody in the department. Only Jessica Abbott, Joakim Nilsson, Inger Ekström and Anders Örtegrten can post to the list. The posts will only be about information that is of importance to ALL staff. There will not be many messages on this list, but they will be important.
The divisions, some research groups and other formations have their own lists.
Biology blog
Then there is our blog, the Biology Blog, with presentations of new colleagues, meeting agendas and minutes and résumés of department events. Inger Ekström, Anders Örtegren and Jessica Abbott are able to write posts on the blog. However, if you have written something that you want to share on the blog, send it to me (Inger Ekström). The comments are open for everyone to use for two weeks after the original post is published. We will add you as an email subscriber to the blog.
Every Friday during the semester you will get our newsletter BioBullen by email. BioBullen gives you a summary of what will happen at the department the following week and a brief list of biologists that have occurred in media during the week. The newsletter is currently in Swedish, but it might be a good starting point to learn the language. If you have some information that you want to have in BioBullen, please send it to me, preferably no later than Wednesday evening during the publishing week. All personnel staying in the department will be added as subscribers of the newsletter.
Information screens
In connection to the entrance halls in the Biology and Ecology buildings, there are information screens. The screens are primarily for the staff. On the screens, we show information about seminars and other events in the buildings. They also show our calendar. How-to publish information on the info screens and in the calendar.
External communication
Always use the name of the department and Lund University in all external communication. In some cases, it could suffice with only Lund University, but never ever with only the name of your research group or unit. The name of the department is Department of Biology in English and in Swedish Biologiska institutionen. Nothing else!
In the central Staff Pages communication section you will find information about communication planning, ordering from agencies and photographers, translation and templates among other things.
Social media
Do you use social media on duty? Please remember that we are an authority. You can find tips and advice on Lund University's Staff pages.
If you need help, advice and support regarding communication do not hesitate to contact our communication officers Inger Ekström and Anders Örtegren.
Contact information
Inger Ekström
Communication officer
Department of Biology
Telephone: +46 46 222 40 88
E-mail: Inger [dot] Ekstrom [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
Anders Örtegren
Communication officer
Department of Biology
Telephone: +46 46 222 92 22
E-mail: Anders [dot] Ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
Subscribe to BioBullen
Have we missed adding you as a subscriber to our newsletter BioBullen? Send an e-mail to Inger Ekström (Inger [dot] Ekstrom [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se). If you haven't got the newsletter on Friday, please, have a look in your spam folder.
Other communication pages

Image database
Find photos and templates for powerpoints and posters in Lund University's central image database.