Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave
You find all you need to know about different kinds of leaves on the Lund University's main Staff Pages. If you have any questions, please contact your human resource administrator.
General information about annual leave
You can read about Lund University's rules and procedures at the Staff Pages,
Administration of annual leave for different staff categories at the department
Technical and administrative personnel
For technical and administrative staff you must apply for your leave in Primula. You must spend at least 20 of the year's vacation days and you may have up to 30 saved days. Be sure to check with your manager before applying. All vacations must be granted by the manager in advance.
Teaching personnel
For teacher staff, the holiday is automatically scheduled from the first Monday after midsummer. If you want your holiday to be scheduled for another period, you must contact your division head before 30 April with a plan for all the holiday days. By 30 April, you should have registered all year's holiday in Primula if you choose the alternative outlay. Otherwise, the holiday will be included in the automatic management.
Post-docs are handled in the same way as a teacher's holiday.
For you who are employed as a researcher, from 2020 on at the Department of Biology, all your holidays are spent in the same way as a teacher's holiday starting on the first Monday after midsummer. Then it is up to you to monitor your vacation and it causes no problems in regards to insurance. If you want your vacation for another period, you must plan together with your division head for at least 20 vacation days and the number that does not generate more than 30 saved vacation days accumulated. You then register yourself in Primula by 30 April, and all holidays must be granted by the manager in advance.
Doctoral students
For those of you who are employed as doctoral students, from 2020 at the Department of Biology, your holiday is laid out in the same way as a teacher's holiday starting on the first Monday after midsummer. Then you have to check with your supervisor about when you can take a vacation. If you want your vacation for another period, before 30 April, you must plan together with your division head for at least 20 vacation days and the number that does not generate more than 30 saved vacation days accumulated. You then register yourself in Primula by 30 April, and all holidays must be granted by the manager in advance.
HR administrators
Sara Bengtsson
HR Administrator
Telephone: +46 46 222 93 50
E-mail: Sara [dot] Bengtsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara[dot]Bengtsson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Izabella Kehlmeier (parental leave)
HR Administrator
Ewa Kralik
HR Administrator
Department of Biology
Telephone: +46 46 222 79 21
E-mail: Ewa [dot] Kralik [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se