The Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology
Apply now!
The spring application to the Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology is open until 31 January. Apply through this Microsoft form.
The Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology at Lund University is your gateway to mastering the skills needed for cutting-edge research in biology and biochemistry. If you're passionate about solving complex biological problems and want to be part of a dynamic community that tackles challenges together, we offer courses, inspiring meetings, and the chance to connect with like-minded researchers.
What is the Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology?
The Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology (IBIO) is an initiative funded by the Faculty of Science at Lund University, which offers training and support for PhD students in the areas of biology and biochemistry. We aim to provide support for PhD students who are working with large and complex biological datasets and/or integrating multiple different data types.
Why join IBIO?
As an IBIO PhD student, you will get priority access to our broad range of courses. You will also get the opportunity to attend IBIO meetings, many of which include an option to present and discuss your research. By joining IBIO you will be integrated into a community of PhD students working on diverse topics but who face similar challenges such as how to handle complex datasets, project management or navigating life as a PhD student.
Courses and Workshops
We provide courses and workshops in cutting-edge techniques and approaches for generating and working with large and complex biological datasets. We offer training for PhD students in techniques relevant from genomics to phenomics, research themes such as structural modelling of proteins and phylogenetics as well as soft skills including personal development.
IBIO meetings
We arrange several meetings each year, providing valuable opportunities to network with a diverse community of ecologists, evolutionary biologists, molecular and structural biologists, bioinformaticians, and statisticians. These meetings take the form of:
- An introductory meeting for newly enrolled students: An online meeting where the latest cohort of students gets an introduction to the IBIO program.
- Annual meetings: One- to two-day meetings with exciting research presentations by invited researchers at the forefront of their field as well as PhD student talks and posters. These conferences have different themes each time but always focus on applying state-of-the-art methodologies and newly developed biotechnologies.
- Pop-up Seminars: Seminars by invited speakers on specialist research topics as well as seminars on career paths and/or life as a PhD student.
IBIO offers a collaborative, inclusive and interdisciplinary environment for PhD students and researchers. Our courses and meetings provide valuable networking opportunities and an avenue for connecting with other PhD students at a similar career stage. We aim to actively promote a sense of community within and between each cohort of students.
What does the IBIO programme involve?
The IBIO program is two years in length. To complete the programme, you must:
- Participate in IBIO for two years.
- Attend a total of 10 IBIO course or workshops days.
- Attend at least two IBIO meetings.
- Present your research at one or more IBIO meetings.
Who can join the Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology?
PhD students at the Faculty of Science or Engineering at Lund University, as well as those at other faculties within Swedish universities (subject to availability of spaces and at an annual fee of 20,000 SEK) are eligible to enrol in IBIO.
Bengt Hansson
Telephone: +46 46 222 49 96
E-mail: Bengt [dot] Hansson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Bengt[dot]Hansson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)