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Courses and workshops

We offers a broad range of courses that encompass topics from genomics to phenomics.

The Graduate Research School in Integrative Biology (IBIO) courses are held at the biology and chemistry departments at Lund University and are generally between one to four days in length. The Life Sciences program courses at the Faculty of Science are included in our course program in addition to several of the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) courses.

The courses vary according to the developments in the field. Examples of potential courses include:

  • Introduction to AI
  • Proteins and proteomics: protein structure prediction
  • Digital image analysis for scientific applications
  • Analyses of environmental DNA (eDNA)
  • Estimating signs of selection in genes and genomes
  • Phylogenetic comparative analysis
  • Human evolutionary genetics and paleogenetics
  • Protein crystallography
  • Single particle cryoEM
  • Protein Factories
  • Live cell imaging

All our courses are free of charge for students enrolled in the Graduate Research School of Integrative Biology and are eligible for university credits. Further course information will soon be found in our learning management system Canvas.

We will cover the course fee for enrolled students on several relevant external courses, such as the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) courses, subject to request and availability. Please contact us directly with questions about the potential for the research school to cover the fees for these courses (bengt [dot] hansson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se).

Upcoming courses

Postgraduate courses in the Life Sciences

There is an opportunity for our students to attend several excellent methodological courses in the Autumn of 2024, with the deadline for applications on the 1st of June. Examples of these courses include Bioanalytical HPLC, DNA amplification technology, protein mass spectroscopy and GC-MS analysis of volatiles, to name but a few! For full details of these courses and the application process go to the Life Sciences courses website.

Introduction to R

This course’s aim is to provide a basic introduction to R, preparing students for using R in their own research. The course will use a combination of brief lectures and tutorials where the students will work on prepared problems. The last day of the course will include an open problems session where students are encouraged to bring their own data or analysis problems.

We will cover:

  • basic R commands,
  • basic data manipulation in R (different data structures),
    import and export of data,
  • plotting commands (basic plotting and ggplot),
  • functions for data summary and manipulation (for example computing means, variances, maxima,
    minima, and apply-functions) and
  • time permitting – basic statistics.

Course leader is Johan Lindström

1,5 credits for this course

Dates of the next course to be announced.

Molecular Phylogenetics Course

This four-day course introduces the fundamental principles of building phylogenies using molecular data, as well as the latest techniques and programs in this field. The aims of this course are to introduce the theory and practice of phylogenetic inference from molecular data and to introduce some of the most used methods and computer programs. The emphasis will be on model-based methods using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, with a focus on DNA sequences as data. We will introduce programs such as IQTREE, MrBayes, as well as BEAST for timing of divergence analyses. The course will consist of lectures, demonstrations of computer programs, and independent projects on fully analysing an example dataset (either your own or given by the lecturer). The course is aimed at PhD students but is also suitable for researchers at any stage, including motivated MSc students.  

Courses leaders are Niklas Wahlberg & Jadranka Rota.

1,5 credits for this course

Dates of the next course to be announced.

Science communication and its role in society

18-22 November 2024, Lund University (3 ECTS)

This course gives knowledge and understanding how effective science communication works and discusses the role of science in society. Through seminars, discussion groups, self-directed learning and project work, the course provides skills to condense and convey key messages clearly, to define target audiences for different types of communication and develops effective techniques to deliver and receive information through different channels. There will be preparatory tasks the week before the course begins and you will work full days during the course period.

Course description (PDF, 253 kB, new tab)
Host: Centre for Environmental and Climate Science and Department of Geology, Lund University
Register for the course through the webform (google forms)
Course coordinator: Johanna Stadmark, Johanna [dot] Stadmark [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se

National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) courses

This course may also be of interest.

Omics Integration and Systems Biology

14-18 October, the deadline to apply is 16 September. The application and more information are on SciLifeLab’s website.


Bengt Hansson

Telephone: +46 46 222 49 96
E-mail: Bengt [dot] Hansson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Bengt[dot]Hansson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)